Snow White Christmas
Tim Gales
Produced by Tim Gales & Ed Tree
Engineered by Ed Tree
The sounds of Brenda Lee and Elvis Presley filled the holiday air when I was young. I knew every word and every year I longed for the time I could take those 8 tracks and LPs out to play.
Since a child, I have wanted to record a Christmas Album. In October 2005, my good friend, Patrick Kenney was struck by a car and lost his life. Patrick and I spent many Christmases together. We both bathed in the idea of making a Christmas CD one day. The loss of my friend made me realize I should wait no longer. Life is short and should be lived. So here it is. My first Christmas contribution. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed making it. Patrick, I know you’ll be listening.
I would like to thank the wonderful and talented musicians who performed on this project:
Jason Hawks, Norm Sancho, Jane Bolduc, Ed Tree, Jerry Peterson, Skip Edwards, Teresa James, Candy Girard, and the “Merry Little Christmas” gang, Paula Stoeke, Mark Islam, Cheyrl Sklar, Jane Bolduc.
A special thanks to two people for whom I would not have gotten this project done so soon if they had not held me to task.
Jane Bolduc, I am honored and blessed to being your presence. Thank you for calling and pushing me to “Get it done!”
Brian Houck, thank you for believing in me and the music. You’re a light and joy in my life. Thank you for the gift of your smiling face every morning.
Merry Christmas to everyone.